Monday, March 22, 2010


My office is moving. The partners are looking for a permanent space (my fingers are crossed for the space at 39 Broadway, a 15 minute walk for me), but for the next three to six months, we will be in the same building seven floors down.

As I've been cleaning up my desk, I'm having to finally deal with all the personal items that have accumulated under my desk over the past 4 1/2 years, such as:
A picnic basket: I inherited this from an ex-coworker who was moving to New Orleans. This has been under my desk for, oh, maybe 18 months?
A single black slingback shoe: I'm hoping it's match is at home.

A pair of black patent leather heels: These have only been there for a week. By the end of the day, my feet were killing me, so I wore another pair of shoes home that had been sitting under my desk for a couple of weeks.

An insulated lunch bag: Not really sure how long that's been t

A lamp: Not sure about that one. Maybe free swag from ICFF?

A vase: Flowers from my 40th birthday. Almost exactly a year ago.

15 CDs: Half of them are from the Score! subscription a group of friends got me for my birthday last year, so they've been under the desk for the past couple of months. Brought them in to add to my iTunes.

A 15 foot long carpet runner: This was a new addition to the under the desk collection last week. Benefits of working in an architect's office.

I swear, I'm not a hoarder.


  1. I think as long as the insulated lunch bag was empty, you're gold =) Good luck finding the other shoe!

  2. Yes, it was! I think I only had one shoe under my desk because it was from when I broke my foot. If so, it's been under there for over a year.
