Monday, July 13, 2009


So a friend sent this to me as a counterpoint to Battle of the (Toilet Room) Sexes. Text below is as per the original email, which someone forwarded to her.


Edge Designs is an all women run company that desi
gns interior office spaces. They had a recent opportunity to do an office project in NYC.

The client allowed the women of this company a free hand in all design aspects. The client was also was a company that was also run by all women execs.

The result...well...we all know that men never talk, never look at each other...(I personally wouldn't know this) and never laugh much in the restroom...The men's room is a serious and quiet place...but now...with the addition of one mural on the wall...let's just say the men's restroom is a place of laughter and smiles.

End of email.

So I guess this is what happens when we get years and years of bad lighting and not enough mirrors and places to put our stuff.

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