Tuesday, December 1, 2009

to sleep, perhaps to dream

Unfortunately, that's not happening tonight. It's 1:54AM according to the cable box. I woke up about an hour ago, and cannot get back to sleep. After lying in bed for about 45 minutes, I decided to get up and peruse the internet. If this doesn't work, the tv is going on and I'm going to lay down on the couch. That's a surefire way to fall asleep.

I'm going to get some milk.

As I'm checking out www.gofugyourself.com, I come across this photo:

My first thought is, "Oh, please. What's with the lack of pants wearing today? Lace stockings are not pants." The girl is 16. I tried to get out of the house in some things my mother didn't approve of when I was that age (but that was because they were black or ripped or she didn't like me wearing my dad's old dress Army jacket) but it would have never occurred to me to skip a basic piece of clothing.

Second thought is, "When did little J get so freaking tall?" Maybe it's just the angle, but she looks freakishly tall. This leads to a google search. This is not a help, the internet does not agree with itself - one site says 5'-4 1/2" one site says 5'-10" yet
another says 5'-8". There are way too many chat rooms discussing the height of the Gossip Girl stars, and who's taller than who. One even has a comparison photo between Blake Lively and Maria Sharapova, Tennis Star (I guess because Maria's height is a known factor?).

The strangest fact is that the girl above is the same person as the girl in the photo below:

I think I like her hair better as Cindy Lou Who.

Another 30 minutes have gone by. I think it's time to try the somnolent effects of late night tv. I'm just thankful that insomnia is a rare occurence for me.

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