Thursday, January 14, 2010

Elevator Etiquette - A Rant

A couple of months ago after having the luxury of having an elevator all to ourselves, the new ginormous public relations firm moved to the 9th and 11th-14th floors, and me and my office-mates on the 10th floor had to face sharing an elevator. It's hard to estimate how many people work for Edelman, but it seems like sometimes there are hundreds waiting for the three elevators in the 9-PH bank.

We have not gotten used to it. It probably wouldn't be so bad if these people knew how to use an elevator. Now I know that none of them read this blog, or may not even be aware that there is another office that shares the elevator bank, but these are some tips that my office would like to share with them:

1. If you are the first to arrive at the bank of elevators, please press the button marked 'up.' There is not a staff member that is assigned to do this task for you.

2. As you pass through the ridiculous security gate (why we have these is beyond me), please move into the elevator lobby to make room for others. It's just like the subway, where you should move into the middle of the car. Oh. Right. You don't use the subway, do you? Just continue moving towards the wall with multiple shades of beige stone.

3. If someone is closer to the elevator door that opens first than you are, please let this person into the elevator first. You will not arrive at your destination any sooner by nearly pushing people out of the way.

4. As there are a lot of you on the upper floors, please be aware that some people will be getting off of the elevator at the 9th or 10th floor (please at least get to know your co-workers on the lower 9th floor). They may be behind you. Please pay attention for people saying "excuse me" when the elevator stops on a floor that is not yours. If you do hear these words, or something similar, please move aside so that they may exit. If you do not have room to move aside, please exit from the elevator to allow people to arrive at their destination, even though it is not yours.

Following these few steps will allow for the people who share the elevator with you to have a chance of a peaceful day, where they don't start their day off mumbling, "I hate those people" or "idiots."

Thank you,

The people from the 10th Floor

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. This would drive B completely NUTS. (He's one of those right-side-of-the-escalator-or-else people.) Sadly, I am one of the oblivious masses. But I'll try harder. For you.
