Sunday, January 10, 2010

new decor

Before I moved about a year ago, I had still decorated my walls with art posters that I had had for the past 10-15 years. I felt that I needed to upgrade the decor from what I had in my 20's, and didn't hang anything. Now that's its a little over two years later, I'm finally getting around to it.

The first to go up was a vinyl decal set of a text in French. When I bought it about a year ago I understood what it said, but have since forgotten it. For anyone who is a French speaker, that would be obvious: I didn't read the instructions, and ended up installing it wrong so it doesn't make any sense. French gibberish. I don't mind though; although it may not make sense, I like it as a texture on the wall.

The second I received as a Christmas gift from Carrie - it's a black and white print in a black wood frame with the word "Congregate". The image could either be:

1. A woman surrounded by a pile a shoes, having finally made her decision as to which pair to wear that day.
2. A woman arriving at a party taking her shoes off and adding them to the pile.

Either way, Carrie said it reminded her of my apartment.

The third is another vinyl application - a series of silloutted birch trees in dark gray with red birds either sit
ting on the branches or flying. I saw these on last year when I was searching for Christmas presents for family and friends. I like the simplicity of the trees with the added whimsy of the red birds.

I still need to hang my series of photographs that have been sitting on the fireplace mantle for the last year. These I plan to place in the hall so friends can greet me as I come home at night.

The last piece that I have planned is to frame a poster that I purchased years ago that illustrates the history of chairs. Its something I've been looking forward to hanging in my apartment for a while now, and it'll be a great addition to the decor of my home.


  1. Those trees look AMAZING. I think you've inspired me to order the dandelions. Do they come off once you've put them on? Or are they like wallpaper? Hard for me to tell.

  2. They come off pretty easily. But once they're off, they don't stick well again, so they're not reusable.
